Saturday, 28 June 2014

The Legend of Zelda with Multiplayer????

Its getting better by the day when it comes to Wii U gaming, it seem like when it comes to triple A, the console isn't doing that bad, its the 3rd party titles where the ball was dropped. No promises were made but it seem like the Legend of Zelda Wii U may be more than a single player experience. Keep your fingers crossed, although we know Zelda as a single player experience with tons of replay value, it would hurt to add a little something extra for the fans of the franchises. The way i look at it is like this, if the multi-player is a bust, I can always fall back to playing long hours of the single-player. 

Friday, 27 June 2014

Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain Extended Trailer - E3 2014

This trailer gives me high hopes for Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain. I am impressed with this trailer while it give me "what happen next" feeling. This version apparently is in the aftermath of the events of Ground Zeroes. Hopefully this will be more promising thank Ground Zeroes short disappointing gameplay. 

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

The Division: Is it PAY to CHEAT?

In an interview with GameSpot ubisoft massive managing director provided some light guidelines on how the division plan to make extra money via micro transactions. He said "So what we're looking at is we don't want to have pay-to-win, but we are definitely looking at things where you can game time or comfort." So it seem like for the right price you can make the game easier, and not waste your time actually exploring and working for stuff. WHY WOULD WE WANT THAT??? HMMMMMM

Personally I think this diminishes the value of actually earning everything completely and legitimately. Sadly, although the claims is that it won't give any competitive advantage, I strongly beg to differ. Unless the purchases can't affect the game and are fully cosmetic, I believe this will be a game dominated by the highest bidder, I could be wrong. What do you think about all this??

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Call of Duty Advance Warfare E3 2014 Footage Excited or Not?

Call of Duty Advance Warfare will definitely move the series to a different direction. To me it seem like they're taking page out of Titanfall and other futuristic shooters. With the addition of  exoskeleton suits and new gadgets which enhances the abilities of the character. Hopefully this will make for some fast pace exciting gameplay. Is this what the series need? I seem as if the fans of the Cod franchise kept referring to the older instalments namely Call of Duty 4, which has always been the benchmark and most compared to Call of Duty ever. Odd enough it seems that some are excited about this new direction, hoping to take the game in new direction that bring us back to the days of non stop gaming and constant excitement. One could only hope!

The footage drops the character in a war in the middle of the streets in the heart of Tokyo city where we were immediately exposed to sophisticated high-tech gadgets. In my opinion, although the game decided to move to a more technological twist, it still gave off the Call of Duty Feel.

Overall, the trailer was OK, just barely above average, all it got me thinking is "when will I get to see the multi-player?" In my point of view, the single player of all Cod games usually sends you down a narrow path which leave you with little or no influence over the outcome which leave the multi-player experience to be more relevant in providing a viable sustainable experience and overall the key for the success of Call of Duty Advance Warfare.

Saturday, 7 June 2014

What Can We Expect From Sony in E3 2014?

It seem like Sony's PS4 main objective at E3 2013 was to launch an all out attack on Microsoft's Xbox One. Besides the $100 price gap between consoles, Sony strongly stated that it's main focus is gaming which appealed to the hardcore gamer while Microsoft's promoted the use of their console for a wide range of entertainment purpose negatively affected its customer base. The restriction on trading and reselling of games didn't offer any help in Microsoft's favour not to mention the lack of power of the hardware. It was clear that Sony had all bases covered and Microsoft was not prepared for the attack it was about to experience. 

To me their goal was to sell more consoles over its competitor which was achieved with PS4 recording over 6 million consoles sold while Xbox One only sold around 4 million. A great victory by any measure. Now what can we look forward to in E3 2014? To me, this year is all about the games. So far in my opinion, all Next Gen consoles fell short when providing games that offer a new experience which is what was and is expected from new consoles and now we are impatiently waiting to witness at this E3 to see something new, something that would blow us away that would give us hope for the not so visible future.

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Is Mario Kart 8 the Life line that Wii U needed?

Overall, Mario Kart 8 was the second best-selling game of the week, only behind Ubisoft's Watch Dogs, which is the fastest selling game in Ubisoft's history. This is not a sign of defeat seeing that Watch Dogs has been launched on all five platforms (Xbox 360, Xbox One, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, and PC) while Mario Kart 8 was only released on the Wii U.

Similar to Watch Dogs, according to International Business Times, Mario Kart 8 launched an official hardware bundle in the UK boosting the sales of Wii U console by over 600 percent, of which 82 percent are Mario Kart 8 Bundle. In Japan it took the top spot with over 352 thousand units sold, a sizable contribution to the 1.2 million sales worldwide over its launched weekend. 

The truth is most of us looked at the Wii U as a joke of a console, but with the introduction of Mario Kart 8 and the short comings of the rival consoles (PS4 & Xbox One) in providing any sustainable exclusives since their release, the Wii U and Mario Kart 8 is definitely drawing some eyes in its direction. At the end of the day, its more Mario Kart, and we all have a soft spot for this franchise. I'm glad that Nintendo remembered what make this series so much fun. 

Microsoft's monthly Games with Gold promotion and No Xbox live restrictions for Entertainment Apps

On June 04 2014 Microsoft launched its Game with Gold promotion offering Halo Spartan Assault and Max the Curse of Brother hood for free to Xbox Live Members. In addition to the Games for Gold promotion Microsoft also rolled out its system software update version 6.2.11064.0 which offered some much awaited features like real name search, external storage support, auto sign-in  and more. 

Perhaps the most celebrated update is Xbox Live's expansion in it's entertainment apps like Netflix, Hulu Plus, Twitch, HBO GO, Machinima and Over 150 others to both Xbox one and Xbox 360 with no premium Xbox live Gold subscription requirement

Since the release of the Xbox One, Microsoft continues to show its ability to listen to the criticism and complaints from its consumers, while complying by making the necessary changes in the pursuit of providing the ultimate gaming and entertaining experience. To me, this is a good look on Microsoft's behalf, where do you stand, do you think this is good or bad?