Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Call of Duty Advance Warfare E3 2014 Footage Excited or Not?

Call of Duty Advance Warfare will definitely move the series to a different direction. To me it seem like they're taking page out of Titanfall and other futuristic shooters. With the addition of  exoskeleton suits and new gadgets which enhances the abilities of the character. Hopefully this will make for some fast pace exciting gameplay. Is this what the series need? I seem as if the fans of the Cod franchise kept referring to the older instalments namely Call of Duty 4, which has always been the benchmark and most compared to Call of Duty ever. Odd enough it seems that some are excited about this new direction, hoping to take the game in new direction that bring us back to the days of non stop gaming and constant excitement. One could only hope!

The footage drops the character in a war in the middle of the streets in the heart of Tokyo city where we were immediately exposed to sophisticated high-tech gadgets. In my opinion, although the game decided to move to a more technological twist, it still gave off the Call of Duty Feel.

Overall, the trailer was OK, just barely above average, all it got me thinking is "when will I get to see the multi-player?" In my point of view, the single player of all Cod games usually sends you down a narrow path which leave you with little or no influence over the outcome which leave the multi-player experience to be more relevant in providing a viable sustainable experience and overall the key for the success of Call of Duty Advance Warfare.

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